Having lived in France for over nine years, one begins to pick up and the subtleties of life and power and politics.
Being "locked down" has recently meant that all "non essential" businesses are closed. All "grands surfaces" (the big stores) are limited to selling food. All other areas are either cordoned off or outright closed. All restaurants remain closed, though take-out food is allowed.
"Essential businesses" are clearly listed. But the list has, oh, how shall we say, "evolved" over the past year. It's easy to imagine the arm wrestling going on over who gets to make money and who gets to remain on the public dole.
One of the things that has helped
France get through the pandemic without too many public demonstrations
of discontent is the size of the public dole. Money, it appears, can
calm the beast.
Life and living, business and take-out food can only happen between 06h00 and 19h00 weekdays. On the weekends we need an "attestation" (basically "our papers" that show we have a valid state-approved reason to be out of the apartment) where the curfew starts on Friday at 19h00 and ends on Monday 06h00.
It was a joy to see on the morning news something delicate and light. France's Prime Minister, Jean Castex, received a gift in the mail. It was a small gift. Nothing much, actually. But it was something that might help him reconsider his list of "essential" business.
When he opened his little bubble-wrap envelope he found a pretty pair of women's underwear.
Have we mentioned recently how much we enjoy living in France?

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