Retired philosopher professor friends of our recently shared something interesting. They said that we were to watch where the seagulls fly, swoop, and feed over the Bay of Angels here in Nice that we might also see dolphins.
We didn't realize that dolphins worked the area and were excited to try this dolphin spotting technique out.
Yesterday was a very stormy day, here. We had wind. We had rain. We had storm like we hadn't seen since last year when we were here. By early morning the strum und drang had moved on and the skies were clear and still.
This morning after sunrise the seagulls were flying, swooping, and feeding just on the other side of the breakwater of the Nice port. We could see them from our apartment. There was a lot of activity over and on the water.
We grabbed the binoculars and watched.
Sure enough, leaping up out of the water were, um, huh, not dolphins in this case, but rather large silvery flat sided fish.
Yes, they did leap. Some nearly completely out of the water. Most just broke the surface in a dramatic fashion. It was very entertaining. All it required was a little patience.
We'll talk with our friends and compare notes.

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