Friday, June 19, 2020

Oh my...

I was reading an article in a recent New Yorker Magazine where the writer mentioned Marcella Hazan and what to do with the onion used to flavor a basic tomato sauce.

This reminded me that we have her complete works sitting on the bookshelf.

So, *flippity*flip*flip* went the pages... and... there it is.  Marcella's basic tomato sauce recipe.

Let's see here... she calls for Italian plum tomatoes... hmmm... in America tomatoes are closer cousins to cardboard than to anything edible... but we no longer live there... and our opportunities might be a bit different here in Paris...

Yesterday while shopping at our local Bio C'est Bon I spied the very kind called for in her recipe.  I weighed out a pound of them, picked up a pretty little onion, and remembered I had the right amount of butter in the freezer.

Having just finished following her directions I have seen the light, as it were.  Oh.  My.  Gawd!  _This_ is what real tomatoes taste like. 

The sauce is gorgeously simple and is absolutely brilliant.

I'm mildly surprised the Church hasn't yet risen Marcella Hazan to sainthood.

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