We thought that was rather curious as we are all confined to our residences and can't go out. Up came the shutters so we could see what was going on.
It was puzzling. People were standing on their balconies clapping. This went on for several minutes. Then some of the yachts in the harbor started tooting their horns.
Thoroughly confused, we came back inside and did a little research on the internet. Searching on "Nice actualite" led me to Nice-Matin (a local news source) and their top story was about the exact topic we were researching.
Like in Barcelona and in part of Italy, every evening at 20h00 people gather on their balconies to clap and make noise to give thanks to our CV19 caregivers, to give them encouragement, and to boost morale.
The world can feel so civilized, even during these times.

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