Much has been written about the possibility of an electrical short being the cause of le grand incendie of 15 April, 2019. It seems early investigations centered on the scaffolding elevator power boxes, wires, and motors. This, even as the nearest elevator was many many meters away from the steeple where the fire actually started.
I was perplexed.
Then, one evening while reading Le Canard enchaine (mercredi 24 avril 2019) I came across the following.
Les policiers s'interrogent egalement sur la tenue du chantier mene par Europe Echafaudage. En audition, des ouvriers ont reconnu qu'il leur arrivait - malgre l'interdiction stricte - de fumer sur les echafaudages. Plutot fumasses, les poulets on deja retrouve sept megots sur les lieux.
What a disaster! What a shame. What a needless shame.
Let's stop for a moment and consider what it might mean if the terrible events of 15 April were caused by a carelessly discarded and strictly forbidden cigarette?
As an American I know exactly how I feel. I want those responsible to be revealed and punished.
In France things don't work like that. Who is held responsible and which regulations will see enforcement is, at this point, unclear to me (as an American).
Those three little sentences in Le Canard got me to thinking in unexpected ways. The problem is potentially enormous and could take many years to get to the bottom of.
In the meantime, and thinking of the iconic images of certain Europeans, my lack of respect for smokers has only increased.

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