Nous sommes en deuil et, en mème temps, nous allons garder des beaux souvenirs. La Smart est morte. Quelle tristesse. Quelle souffrance. Quel...
... um... what am I talking about? She has gone to a better life. Or so we hope. :-)
You should have been here to witness the extraction of the Little Car from the parking. It was an amazing event. Really.
Two gentlemen arrived with their camion/remorqueur. We descended into the cave to extract an old vehicle. But... the poor Little Car would not demarre. Pas de tout. Elle ne veut pas faire se bouger, meme avec un strong "jump-start."
It turns out, the key was not communicating properly with the starter system. It was dead. Dead. Dead as a parrot. Dead as Monty Python's very own parrot.
So, they unloaded a BMW Mini 4x4 that they had just picked up, drove it down into the cave, put it behind the Little Car, and pushed the Little Car up and out of the parking.
*poof* and out she debouched from le parking.
It was incredible to watch. I'm just glad no one was on the sidewalk nor in the street in front of the garage at the time.
We did some paperwork and I took a few photos.
After the gents were gone I rearranged our new Prius in the parking to have her sit where the Little Car once was.
What a morning!!!